Sunday, June 14, 2009

Spies in WWII

Here a website of the OSS in WWII made by

It talks detailedly about how the OSS started and what they did during the time. At that time, all of Germany's enemies in Europe were eliminated except England. D. Roosevelt worried about the columnists and traitors inside Norway, Belgium, Holland, and France. Therefore, he dispatched Bill Donovan all around Europe to get information of their enemies and search people that could be their allies. The searching was very successful and helpful, but there was no central intelligence office in the US. They established the COI at first. It onlt lasted a for a year. Then it was substituted by the OSS because the information of the COI wasn't including the potential of Japan's Attack in Hawaii. Roosevelt called in some experts and appointed them to make a school for spies, and the OSS was for trainning spies.

This is a photo of Bill Donovan.


Here is a website which has some videos about the spies in the OSS:

It shows what is the secret agents in the OSS like. Before a person started his training, they checked his body. A spy in the OSS needs a haircut of the style in the enemies' area. Furthermore, there were many required equipments of a secret agent in the OSS. For example, the stickers on his suitcase, a handful of cigarettes and train tickets, etc. They were very small and common things, just like a hidden uniform. It was really cool to be a secret agent in the OSS.

1 comment:

Savant English School said...

Good work, but you forgot the movie. You need to get a blogger's manual and a calculator to help you count. You do a great job reading and writing, however.