Tuesday, December 04, 2007

The First Towns

This is the website about Catal Huyuk:

The people that lived in Catal Huyuk were around 8000 B.C.E. Their houses were built the honeycombed rooms and courtyards by simple bricks, and their walls are touching together. Nonetheless, there weren't doors between the rooms. MOreover, the people of Catal Huyuk entered their dwellings through the roofs by using ladders. The people lived in Catal Huyuk were wealthy by mine the obsidians from the volcano nearby. The wall paintings were abound there,for a ritual purpose, each year, when the residents repainted and replastered, they also covered or repainted many giant wall murals. The Catal Huyuk women were held in high regard and occupied high position. Everywhere is the presence of a female deity in Her many shapes and forms. To the ancients, death was a passage, transition. When the people died, they let the dead bodies decompositioned by sun and scavengers, and they buried them. The vulture was the Goddess who could actually transmute flesh. She had chosen priestesses to assist Her in this task.

I learned that Catal Huyuk is a neolothic farming village. The qualities of people to living were getting better and better.

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